
SNA Utilities

Click -> Download ToPajek

ToPajek User’s Guide


1. Overview
ToPajek is a small utility that converts a "relationship-list" into a Pajek format file. Several nice features of the ToPajek program are as follows:

  1. Assign partition automatically. All the nodes specified in the 1st column are assigned partition 1, the rest nodes are assigned partition 2.
  2. Detect the existence of link weight from the relationship-list automatically.
  3. Allow users to specify the column separator.
  4. Be able to create various types of networks, such as 1-mode, 2-mode, directed, non-directed, etc.
  5. Allow users to specify the direction of a directed network.
  6. No limit on the number of nodes.
  7. The node name can be as big as 100 characters.

The relationship-list should be given in standard text file form. ToPajek takes the relationship-list with or without the weight of the relationships. It automatically detects whether the weight is given. ToPajek also accepts 2-mode relationships.


Example of a relationship-list file without weight:
Alice       Brenda
Alice       Carol
Brend      David
David       Carol
Eddy       David


Example of a relationship-list file with weight:
Alice       Brenda  5
Alice       Carol    12
Brend      David    3
David       Carol    2
Eddy       David    8


Example of a 2-mode relationship-list file with weight:
January    Brenda   5
January    Carol     12
February   David     3
February   Carol     2
December David     8


 2. Quick Start 
A Pajek project file will be created by clicking on the "Create Pajek File" button from the ToPajek input window after entering the input file name. The Pajek file created has the same name as the input file except that the file extension (".txt", for example) is replaced by ".paj".


3. Input Options
ToPajek window provides several useful options for users to select. Network Type: specify whether the network is 1-mode or 2-mode. Directionality: Specify whether the network is directed or non-directed.Direction: Specify the direction if it is a directed network. The direction can be from the 1st-column nodes to the 2nd-column nodes (forward) or the reverse (backward). The forward direction is suitable for the situation where the information is diffused from the 1st-column nodes to the 2nd-column nodes. The backward direction is suitable for the situation where the 1st-column nodes are referenced by the 2nd-column nodes. Separator: specify the separator. Available separators are tab, space, tab or space, semicolon (;), comma (,), forward-slash (/), and backslash (\). Below is an example of a relationship-list file with forward-slash as the separator:

Alice / Brenda / 5
Alice / Carol / 12
Brend / David / 3
David / Carol / 2
Eddy / David / 8


4.Pajek File
The file created is a Pajek project file (with the file extension ".paj") rather than the standard ".net" file. It includes not only the vertex and link information but also partition information. All the nodes specified in the 1st column are assigned partition 1, the rest nodes are assigned partition 2. Please note that partition information can be recognized by Pajek only if it is opened as a project file. If the file is opened as a simple network file Pajek will not recognize the partition information.