
翁晶晶 副教授兼管理學士班主任





研究室:TR-816 #3699


Office hour:週四 13:00-16:00 (請預約)



  • 國立臺灣科技大學  管理學院學士班  主任
  • 國立臺灣科技大學  科技管理研究所   副教授 
  • 台灣永續能源基金會  願景委員會  委員
  • 國立臺灣科技大學  科技管理研究所   助理教授
  • 元智大學管理學院 組織管理學群 助理教授
  • 英國倫敦政治經濟學院   管理系   人力資源課程講師


  • Certificate in EMI Skills, Cambridge English (2022)
  • ELI Asia via zoom V: Faculty Growth Program, Babson Executive Education (2021)
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCertHE), Londo School of Economics (LSE) & UK Higher Education Academy (HEA) (2009)


  • 國立臺灣科技大學教學優良獎(111學年)
  • 國立臺灣科技大學教學(PBL類)創新獎 (111-2學期)
  • 國立臺灣科技大學管理學院教師傑出及優良服務獎(110學年)
  • 中山管理評論領域質性研究專刊優異評論委員 (2022)
  • 台達企業環境倫理研究獎助 (2021)
  • 國立臺灣科技大學 年青學者研究獎助 (2021)
  • 元智大學管理學院 教學傑出獎 (2017)
  • 元智大學管理學院 教學特優 (2015,2016,2018)


  1. 翁晶晶、謝英哲、黃琪,2024,「傳統工藝產業之思維轉換與資源拼湊:以廣興紙寮為例」,產業與管理論壇,26卷1期:56~87。(TSSCI, 國科會推薦期刊)

  2. Hsieh, Y.C., Weng, J.*, Pham, N.T., Yi, L.H. (2022). What drives employees to participate in corporate social responsibility? A personal characteristics- CSR capacity-organizational reinforcing model of employees' motivation for voluntary CSR activities. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33 (18), 3703-3735 (Corresponding author, SSCI, ABS:3, 2021 IF: 6.026, 5-year IF: 6.763; 國科會管推薦期刊).

  3. 翁晶晶、易莉翔,2022,「制度邏輯之演化: 從企業社會責任的發展探討商業永續」, 中山管理評論, 30 卷5 期:809~856 (TSSCI, 國科會推薦期刊)
  4. Lee, Y.H., Hsiao, C., Weng, J.*, Chen, Y.H. (2021). The impacts of relational capital on self-disclosure in virtual communities: A cross-level analysis of key moderators. Information Technology & People ,34 (1),228-249 (Corresponding author, SSCI, ABS 3, 2021 IF: 4.481; 5-year IF: 4.654, 國科會推薦期刊)
  5. Weng, J., Hsieh, Y.C.*, Muhammad Z.A., Yi, L.H. (2020). The motivation for Muslim customers' participation in the sharing economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 155, 104554 (SCI Q1, 2021 IF: 6.413; 5-year IF: 7.669,, Top 6%)
  6. Hsieh, Y.C., Molina, V.M.J., Weng, J. (2019). The road to entrepreneurship with impairments: A Challenges-Adaptive mechanisms-Results model for disabled entrepreneurs. International Small Business Journal, 37(8), 761-779 (SSCI, ABS:3, 2021 IF: 6.413; 5-year IF: 7.669)
  7. 翁晶晶、謝英哲,2019,「績效薪資改革的盲點:制度邏輯的新視角」,中山管理評論, 27卷1期:139~178。 (TSSCI, 國科會推薦期刊).
  8. Hsieh, Y.C.*, Weng, J., Lin, T. (2018). How social enterprises manage their organizational identification: A theoretical framework of identity management approach through attraction, selection, and socialization. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(20), 2880-2904 (SSCI, ABS 3, 2021 IF: 6.026, 5-year IF: 6.763, 國科會推薦期刊).
  9. Huang, W., Li, Y. H., Wang, S.*, and Weng J. (2016). Can ‘democratic management' improve labour relations in market-driven China? Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (SSCI, ABS:2, 2021 IF: 3.426,5-year IF: 3.739)..


  1. Hsieh, Y.C., Lim, S.S.*, Weng, J. (2018). Managerial, HRM ideology for small high technology firms. In Check-Teck Foo (Ed.), Diversity of Managerial Ideology (pp.65-93), Springer, Singapore.
  2. Huang, W., Weng, J.*, Hsieh, Y.C. (2016). The hybrid channel of employees' voice in China in a changing context of employment relations. In Amanda Pyman, Paul J. Gollan, Adrian Wilkinson, Cathy Xu, Senia Kalfa (Eds.), Employee Voice in Emerging Economies (Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations, Volume 23, pp.19-43), Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


  1. 謝英哲、翁晶晶、侯家楷,2023,「專注公益還是開創新局?」,哈佛商業評論 全球繁體中文版,197期,1月號:38~43。
  2. 謝英哲、翁晶晶、易莉翔,2021,「理想與營利,社會企業難兩全」,哈佛商業評論 全球繁體中文版,178期,6月號:42~47。


  1. Hsieh, Y.C., Chang, T.Y., Weng, J., Yi, L.H. (2024) From waste to treasure: The sustainability transition pathways from agricultural waste to bio-energy. SMS 44th Annual Conference. Istanbul, October 19-22, 2024.

  2. Weng, J., Chen. Y.C. (2024) The road to consensus: A case study of the national highway digitalization transformation through public-private partnership. 40th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Milan 2024. July 4–6, 2024.

  3. Tsai, W.J., Weng, J., Hsieh, Y.C. (2024) Unpacking public-private partnerships in communities: An institutional logics perspective. 40th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Milan 2024. July 4–6, 2024.

  4. Yi, L. H., Weng, J., Hsieh, Y.C., Hsieh H. C. (2023). Value Co-creation Pathways in Social Innovation: A Sustainability Business Model View. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 4-8, 2023.

  5. Weng, J., Schmidt, F., Tsai, W.J. (2023). Partnerships and networks in a new market? Study of foreign offshore wind companies in Taiwan. Technological Forecasting and Social Change Special Conference, Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 28-30, 2023.

  6. Weng, J., Huang, C., Yi, L. H., Tsai, W. J. (2023). Changing and staying the same: The dynamic transition of craft logic using the case study of a handmade paper company. 39th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy, July 6-8, 2023.

  7. Tsai, W. J., Yi, L. H., Weng, J. (2023). From absorption, adaptation, to transformation: The journey to net zero. 39th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy, July 6-8, 2023.

  8. Hsieh, Y.C., Weng, J., Liao, C. K., Yi, L. H. (2023). The path to a cleaner future: An organizational net-zero roadmap via knowledge sharing. 39th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy, July 6-8, 2023.

  9. Weng, J., Lee, Y.H., Hsieh, Y.C., Yang, M.T. (2022). How does CSR promote value co-creation and well-being? A multi-stakeholder model of ethical values. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, August 5-9, 2022. (Accept)

  10. Yi, L.H., Weng, J., Hsieh, Y.C., Tsai, W.J. (2022). Exploring diversity of hybrid business models: Institutional logic perspective on social enterprises. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA, August 5-9, 2022. (Accept)

  11. Tsai, W.J., Weng, J., Yi, L.H., Hsieh, Y.C. (2022). Embedding digital technologies in social enterprises: An institutional logic perspective. 38th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Vienna, Austria, July 7-9, 2022. (Accept)

  12. Tsai, W.J., Yi, L.H., Chiu, H.C., Weng, J., Hsieh, Y.C.* (2022). How do environment-oriented social enterprises develop interorganizational collaboration? 38th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Vienna, Austria, July 7-9, 2022. (Accept)

  13. Weng, J., Tang, C.H., Yi, L.H., Hsieh, Y.C.* (2021). Walking together on the way to CSR: A study on how companies select CSR partners. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, A Virtual Experience, July 30 - August 1, 2021.
  14. Yi, L.H., Weng, J.*, Hsieh, Y.C., Chang, S.E. (2021). How social enterprises overcome growth barrier? A capability view on cross-sectoral partnership. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, A Virtual Experience, July 30 - August 1, 2021.
  15. Weng, J., Giron, M.F., Yi, L.H.*, Hsieh, Y.C. (2021). Facilitating minority to be entrepreneurial: An investigation of LGBTQ Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial cognition. 37th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 8-10, 2021. 
  16. Weng, J., Dwiputri. C. (2021). Voice out or keep silent? An exploratory study of Indonesian Female Migrant Workers in Taiwan. International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) World Congress, Lund, Sweden, June 21-24, 2021.
  17. Weng, J., Yi, L.H., Hsieh, Y.C., Chiu, H.C. (2020). How do hybrid organizations learn from collaboration? Knowledge transfer in social enterprises. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 7-11, 2020.
  18. Weng, J., Yi, L.H., Hsieh, Y.C., Chiu, H.C., Wu, S.H. (2020). Is B Corporation certification a key to sustainable hybrids? An investigation of organizations' motivation and journey towards becoming B Corps. 36th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany, July 2-4, 2020.
  19. Weng, J., Yi, L.H., Li, F.H, Hung, H.W., Huang. C.Y. (2019). How social enterprises facilitate employee creativity: A grounded theory approach. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 9-13, 2019.
  20. Hsieh, Y.C., Pham, N.T., Weng, J., Chou, C.H. (2018). Understanding employees' motivation to engage in CSR: A grounded analysis. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 10-14, 2018.
  21. Weng, J., Hsieh, Y.C., Quimpo, M.T. (2018). Voice and silence of Filipino migrant workers in Taiwan: A grounded theory analysis. International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, July 23-27, 2018.
  22. Hsieh, Y.C., Weng, J., Ken-Joof, E. (2017). Unravelling HRM research in entrepreneurial firms: A literature review. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August 4-8, 2017.
  23. Hsieh, Y.C., Weng, J., Jhang, J.Y. (2017). Mechanisms influencing institutional logic during the transformation from NPO to social enterprise. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August 4-8, 2017.
  24. Hsieh, Y.C., Weng, J., Lin, T. (2016). Organizational identification in hybrid-identity social enterprises: An ASS model of identification. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, USA, August 5-9, 2016 (Best Paper, included in the Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings).
  25. Hsieh, Y.C., Weng, J., Lin, K.Y. (2016). An empirical study of recruiting platform for extracting user experience for human resource service innovation. R&D Management Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 3-6, 2016.
  26. Hsieh, Y.C., Weng, J. (2015). The global MNC CSR campaign and the development of employment relationship in China. The 7th Annual International Industrial Relations Conference, Beijing, China, November 28-29, 2015.
  27. Weng, J., Hsieh, Y.C., Huang, W. (2015). Motivation or demotivation? A case study of schoolteachers' performance related pay system reform in China. International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, September 7-11, 2015.
  28. Hsieh, Y.C., Weng, J. (2012). The development of human resource management in Chinese entrepreneurial firms. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 3-7, 2012.