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Master's program


The Master's program requires the completion of 42 course credits and a Master thesis.
It is usually completed in two years. The program is designed to enable students to:

1. Grasp the basic skills of technology management and practice these skills in high-tech industries.
2. Understand the legal theories associated with high-tech business management and entrepreneurial business development.
3. Think innovatively as an entrepreneur and to create value for stakeholders and society.

Core courses  (Require a minimum of 24 credits.)

Core courses of the Master's program for international students

※The core courses (course code TM) require a minimum of 24 credits.

※Core courses might be changed due to curriculum adjustments.

※For more information, you may refer to :

Master’s Program Regulations for International Students in GITM (Applicable to students start from the Fall 2024 semester).

Master’s Program Regulations for International Students in GITM students entered before the Fall 2024 semester.